Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blind Faith

What are your feelings on Blind Faith?
Should we just accept the bible as is - per what we are taught?
Will the bible stand up to hard questions?
Is it OK to question God or the things we don't "get" from reading the bible?
Is it OK to disagree with parts of the bible?


  1. This is a tough question that I feel has two answers. We are told that the bible was "God breathed." This means that its writers were inspired by God to write the words they did. God is the only perfect thing in the universe; thus, the only thing that we can "blindly" have faith in. This does not mean that we should or have to just believe everything we are taught or told about the bible. If you look the stories in the bible the men and women that God and Jesus held closest to their hearts tested God, tested what they were taught, and asked many questions. Take Job for example, or Paul, or David, or... the list could go on.

    It is ok to question and test what we are taught. It is ok to put test the Bible. In fact, I encourage it for the person who's faith is wavering. I have never found a time in which the Bible did not stand up to whatever test was thrown at it. It is God breathed, it is truth.

  2. I agree that testing the Bible should be a part of the journey of faith. When I meet people who have never questioned the Bible, or God I wonder how strong their faith really is. Have they just never had a hard time in their life? What will happen when all of the sudden tragedy strikes? Most that I have known to accept blindly the word of God have faultered in some way when life didn't go as they thought God had planned it to. Many times we, as Christians, believe God has a plan for our life...then we find out God's plan wasn't what we thought. This causes a lot of Christians to questions the goodness of God. But questioning anything about God isn't wrong. In fact-God encourages us to ask. Ask anything. Asking is better than turning away disheartened-and then becoming hard hearted. Ask away!
    I also don't believe God asks us to believe blindly everything in the Bible. I don't know if I fully believe everything in the Bible was God breathed-and that everything written since the Bible (by God's followers) wasn't also God breathed. But I do believe there is truth in the word of God and power if you are able to interpret it correctly. The problem with the Bible is that it can be interpreted so many ways and believers can often times get caught up in HOW someone interprets the written words rather than WHAT and WHO that person is actually worshiping. All people who believe in Christ and accept Him as their Savior are followers. We're all on a different journey. No journey is the same. We all bring different insights to the table. This shoudl be celebrated-not feared. Although I must admit I judge just as much as the next person.
